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The Photo Club is comprised of residents of the Sun City Lincoln Hills community in Lincoln, CA.

Below is a list of our monthly meetings and activities

General Meeting - 2nd Wednesday @ 9:00AM

The General Meeting, in Kilaga Presentation Hall usually features a guest speaker on a specific aspect of photography. It also is a forum to discuss current and upcoming events of interest.

Summaries of General Meeting Presentations are archived  HERE   

YouTube links to General Meeting videos are  HERE   


Board Meeting, OC Multipurpose Room - Monday before the General Meeting @ 9:00AM

Board Meetings are open to any current Photography Club member.  Copies of the approved "Board Meeting Minutes" are posted   HERE



Exhibitions offer club members an avenue to show their photographs. Some use these occasions as an opportunity to sell their work. Find information on current and upcoming exhibits below.  Overview of our Exhibit Efforts can be found   HERE

Field Trips and Great Adventures

To learn more about  above planned, recent and past trips and adventures  HERE 


Facebook Page

This “member only” tool is used to communicate photography ideas, promising sites, area photography activities, and conversation


To join, click link:   LHPC Facebook 


Special Learning Session (SLS) (was Photography Special Interest Group) - 1st Wednesday @ 9:00AM

The Special Learning Session (SLS) includes exploration of camera settings, composition tips, post processing tools, smart phone photography,  and specialized areas such as bird and Milky Way photography.  The presentations are developed to take into consideration the needs of beginner and intermediate photographers, as well as, a refresher for more advanced users.  Speakers and suggestions are welcome. Slide shows are posted on the club website for future viewing. For more info go to the SLS's Webpage  HERE   


 2024-2025 Photography Club Officers Elected!

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Ron Nabity

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    Vice President
Truman Holtzclaw


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Nancy Whitaker

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   Phil Harmon

Renew Your Membership

Renew your Membership:  If you want to receive Field Trip announcements, invitations to field trip planning and show & tell parties plus related over-the-top trip planning packets, you need to be a current member.

To renew: print, fill out the form referenced below, sign & mail with $20 to:   LHPC, P.O. Box 623, Lincoln, CA 95648.  


Click [HERE] to download the latest "Lincoln Hills Photography Club Membership Application" form.


Sep Photography Club General Meeting

Wednesday, SEP 11, 9:00 A.M., Kilaga Springs Presentation Hall


During the next three weeks, take photos that illustrate the "Peace and Quiet" theme. You are free to interpret this theme in any way you choose.


Submit up to three photos prior to the September meeting. Submission instructions will be sent out at the beginning of September.


At the September 11 meeting, we will display the submitted images and discuss them as a group. This is not intended to be a critique, but rather a conversation about the photographer's photo. The photographer may wish to introduce the photo by describing how, when, where, or why the photo was taken. 



Note: if you are not able to create a new image for this theme, you can still participate. Just look through your photo collection and find some images that say, "Peace and Quiet."


The submission deadline will likely be around September 7, so plan ahead accordingly. Look for a variety of ways to convey the "Peace and Quiet" theme... 


Anyone wishing to share their silhouette images from the August workshop can send them to Ron Nabity as part of your 'Gimme 5' submission.


You may view the video of this Peace & Quiet Challenge by clicking [HERE]

Latest Club Members' Videos

You may view the 9/11/2024 Photography Club "Give Me 5" Member's Rolling Slideshow [HERE]

​You may view a listing of all our Club videos by clicking on "Resources" at the top and "Our Meeting Videos" or by clicking [HERE].

 2024 Field Trip Survey Completed

Jim Sakaguchi is our new Field Trip Coordinator.  Jim recently conducted a Photography Club Field Trip  Survey.  He replaces Les Thomas who served in that role.  Thanks to Les for his many years of dedication and leadership in organizing our field trips.


"Thank-you everyone who participated in the 2024 Field trip survey. We value your feedback and comments to the questions. Our goal was to ensure we are focusing our Club field trips on the right subjects, areas, frequency, duration, and other trip characteristics important to you.  One of the main goals using this feedback is to create an annual calendar of field trips providing adequate preparation time and to gauge interest level. We have posted the results along with our recommendations based on the feedback.  If you have further comments, please email Jim at ." 

                                                                         Jim Sakaguchi


Please click [HERE] to view the survey results.

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    Jim Sakaguchi
Field Trip Coordinator

 Announcing another Smartphone Photography Academy 101 Class for October & November, 2024

Re: Lincoln Hills Photo Club – Smartphone Photography Academy 101


This is our Club’s new Smartphone Photography Class, which features in-person classes, homework, small teams practicing with similar smartphone models, online classes, and a fun graduation lunch.  This is a “foundation” class for anyone wanting to gain basic and intermediate smartphone photography skills. 


The maximum number of participants is limited to 20.  The minimum number of participants needed to present this class is 10 as the instructors spend a great deal of time in preparing and conducting the classes.    

If you want to join us in this class, you need to meet the following qualifications.

Capturing Art

If you want to join us in this class, you need to meet the following qualifications:



   1.  You must be able to attend at least 3 of the 4 in-person classes.   The class meets from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm on the 

         following dates: Mondays on October 7, October 21, November 4 & November 18, 2024.


   2.  Each participant must purchase the recommended online smartphone photography class for either iPhone or Android. 

        The cost is $49.  Only one purchase per household is needed if they can share.  Details will be sent to you after your sign-

         up for our club’s class is confirmed.


   3.  Self-study is required to learn your specific phone’s camera controls.  Suggested sources for YouTube videos, etc. will be

         sent after you are registered.


   4.  Homework is required. There are about 8+ hours of homework between the two-week-apart classes. At our first class,

        homework teams of 4 or 5 participants will be formed. This is the most effective way to learn and understand the phone’s

        features and controls. It’s also a lot of fun and you will make new friends. 


   5.  A fun graduation lunch at the end of the Academy will be planned and in the past this has cost each participant ~ $25. 

        This is not required if you are not able to attend.


If you want to be in this class, check your calendar to see if you can commit to attending at least three of the four classes, and if you can commit to the other requirements.  Send an email to me immediately if you want to secure a place in this class.  The first 20 people to respond will be accepted. I will confirm your participation as soon as possible after I receive your

email.  You can also send me an email with any questions you may have and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.  You can text me at 916-698-7783.   


Cheers,  Les Thomas  9/11/2024


 WIX Media Image

Photo Club Special Learning Class - Wednesday, October 2, 2024
"Architectural Photography"

Instructor – Kris Knutson, Professional Architectural Photographer & Photo Club Member
9 am to 10:30+ AM at the Orchard Creek Lodge, Multipurpose Room

Why: Your Club strives to provide opportunities for you to grow your knowledge, techniques and skills to become a better photographer and encourage everyone to be active. 

​In this Special Learning Class, Kris will share his philosophy and techniques for capturing and editing images of architectural elements for professional results.  He will share many images to discuss composition, the importance of light, including the direction of light, the importance of keeping shapes & lines vertical, depth of field, and showing a space and what is happening in that space for a dramatic presentation.

He will demonstrate how he captures environmental images using architectural features and how to include people to provide a sense of scale and interaction.


            AI Architecture by WIX

This class is for all levels of photographers, from beginners to advanced, including users of all types of cameras and smartphones.  Don’t pass up a chance to advance your own knowledge and skills in new areas. 

Handouts. We are not expecting to produce handouts for this class, so if you want to learn how to compose, capture, and edit high-quality architectural images, you will need to attend.

Limited number of participants.  As in prior Special Learning Classes, the room we have for these classes is limited to 32 chairs for participants.  The first to “Reply” by email to Les Thomas at for this session will have a reserved place in the class until all participant places are taken. â€‹I will notify you as quickly as possible whether you have a reserved place.   Les Thomas

Click on Photo to go to the Respective Gallery Page on this Website


Photo by Steve Stewart


Announcing the Orchard Creek Rotunda Exhibit  

July 3rd Deadline

Finally, we can again exhibit our photographs in the Orchard Creek Rotunda area. It has been a long time since the start of COVID till now.

This is a special exhibit. It's an incentive for anyone who has exhibited in Simple Pleasures. More and more photographers only show digital, making it difficult to get them to show framed photographs. We do not want to lose the Simple Pleasures venue. There is nothing like the thrill of seeing your photographs hanging in a public building and being viewed by all.

If interested, please fill out the attached application with the Asso. Waiver and email it to Rhonda Campbell. List your best 3. If I get enough before the July 3rd Deadline, we have the opportunity to exhibit most of July and the whole month of August.




Buonarroti's Restaurant


Photo by Vicki White

Buonarroti Restaurant will host a new exhibit in the fall of 2024. For dates and times, recheck the exhibit area on the LHPC website. Plan ahead of time! Prepare your prints for the exhibit before fall and complete the applications (PDF documents below).


Questions? Contact Denise Souza, Buonarroti  Exhibit Coordinator, at


Please consider demonstrating our appreciation to the Manager/Chef at Buonarroti Restaurant. Visit their website below, review their menu, and consider reserving a table for a delicious meal.


Buonarroti’s Ristorante -  

460 Lincoln Blvd. Lincoln, Ph:  916-645-7951


Current Exhibit - Kilaga Springs Spa

 Kilaga Springs Spa currently has an exhibit. 

 Themes of the photo images, which must be followed for each Spa room, are: Ponds, Beaches, Lakes,   Meadows, Forests, Streams and also Landscapes and Flowers.


Photo by Jim Moon

Simple Pleasures Restaurant will invite LHPC  photographers to display their photographs in the Fall.


Get your photos ready to display. 


Check back for specific dates and times. 


Klara Kleman will coordinate the Simple Pleasures exhibit.


Current Exhibit - Simple Pleasures

Photo by Klara Kleman

SP Exhibit Oct2.jpeg

Would you love to exhibit your photos at Simple Pleasures or some of the other great venues available to the Photo Club but don't know how to get started?  Check out our Photo Display Guide and the Application to Exhibit 

(click on the PDF icon: )  

Photo Display Guide

Application to Exhibit

SCLH Photography Club Facebook Page

This is a place for SCLH Photography Club Members to have a conversation about photography, cameras, and places to shoot photography in the area. You can ask a specific "how to" or "where can I find..." or "how can I improve this shot?" or "thinking of going to.....does anyone want to come too?"  You can post great photography-related websites that others might like. Use your creativity.  The SCLH Photography Facebook page is a PRIVATE page.  Only members of LH Photography Club can join this Facebook page, and they cannot invite family nor friends.


To join click on the link below, and Kate or Heather will send an invitation to your email address.   The link in the invitation will time out in 48 hours.    OR send an email to  .  She will reply to you with the link for the Facebook page.  Click on the link and wait for Kate or Heather to authorize entry.

To join, use this link:   LHPC Facebook 

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