Photo by Bob Baikauskas
Lincoln Hills
Photography Club

The Learning Curve: Finding the Course That Works For You
The VIDEO SIG has been discontinued. The Learning Initiative has taken over this meeting time, the 3rd Tuesday at 9:00AM in Orchard Creek Multi-Purpose Room.

When we begin to learn how to operate a new camera or new software, we often rely on manuals that seem to be translated directly from Japanese or short You Tube videos that give us bits and pieces of technique. As a former teacher, I prefer a more structured course that pulls in as much detail as I can absorb while allowing me to go at my own pace. These courses can be found online and at Sierra College. I will go over the ones I have found beneficial and cost effective for both videography and photography. We can explore the vast variety of courses on, learn how to get huge discounts on courses taught by videographers and National Geographic photographers, and I will answer questions about the Sierra College program in time for Spring enrollment. Bring your laptops to share what you may have found so we can use this SIG to create a resource page for videography on our website. This is the last Video SIG this year, and it’ll be fun! –Kate McCarthy
Video SIG
Dedicated to helping Club Members master the art of Video Production.
To educate and foster knowledge in the use of video/audio recording equipment, video/audio editing software and hardware, and video website sharing; to provide members a forum to exchange ideas and techniques; and, to provide services to create an environment conducive to accomplishing the aforementioned purpose.
The Video SIG is a group whose goal is to expand member’s knowledge of videography and related technology while having fun in the process. We provide enthusiastic and passionate support, education and training for all levels of experience.
As a member of our Group, you can take advantage of the many ways to learn about videography and the making of videos. At our monthly meetings we provide various presentations on basic to advanced topics. Participation in field trips or productions allows you to experience the practical side of videography and collaborate with your fellow members.
As you begin to understand what makes a video worth watching, you can become more creative with the tools that are available for both capture and post-processing (editing). And, you can make a video that is friendly to both family and friends.
If a hobby becomes too frustrating and laborious then it can no longer be considered as such. Our goal is to teach the proper techniques so that most of the frustration is removed and the amount of labor necessary is significantly reduced. We want you to enjoy yourself.
You don’t normally make a video for only yourself. It is usually to be shared with others. Our members would like to see your efforts and they will assist you by making constructive comments. In addition, you may like to share this video on-line and we will help you with that as well.
We enjoy video and don’t shy away from lending a helping hand when other Clubs and/or the SCLHCA may benefit from our assistance. We have also been asked to record meetings, provide technical assistance and create specialized training videos.
On the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 9:00AM in the Multi-Purpose room of the Orchard Creek Lodge
Jeff Hanner – Email: or Telephone: 916-769-2871
Our Team

Jeff Hanner
Jeff a veteran videographer with years of experience producing, shooting and editing video productions for governmental and commerical organizations. He brings his knowledge, talent and skill to help our club members pursue their desire to learn how to create their own video productions. He is pictured with his wife and fellow Club member Betsy.

Peter Beckett
Peter is a refuge from Silicon Valley where he held senior management positions with High Tech firms. He is originally from Great Britain and has gained extensive experience in videography via his working with producing video productions for the Community Association and other organizations in Lincoln. His skill level runs the gamut from handheld point and shoot cameras and DSLRs to Studio caliber equipment.

Kate McCarthy
Kate is a retired Educator, whose career has spaned more than 30-years at the K-12 level in school system situated in Alaska, Idaho and California. Her primary responsibility is to facilitate SIG communications with group members and the Cub at large. Kate also produces and manages the SIG's content for the website and other Club outreach efforts.
Send us an Email if you have questions