Photo by Bob Baikauskas
Lincoln Hills
Photography Club

The Photography Group offers members plenty of opportunities to show their photos.
Photography Exhibits and Displays... what we're about!
Our Club actively promotes the displaying of your images. Our SIG Meetings are prime opportunities to present your work to our fellow Club members. Digital images are frequently displayed in those meetings and our Print SIG provides the opportunity to see images that have been applied to paper.
Our Exhibit and Display efforts are designed to provide opportunities to showcase our work to the greater Lincoln Community. We have gained the support of several Lincoln-based businesses that offer Exhibit Space for our Club to display our work. Simple Pleasures Restaurant on 5th Street, Kilaga Springs SPA, The Rotunda in Orchard Creek, and Buonarroti Ristorante on Lincoln Blvd.
Exhibit Challenges
Typically our Exhibits are based on "Challenges" that we issue to our Club members in order to create a body of work from our members that offers a consistent theme. For example past Exhibits have been "What's in Your Backyard", "Fall Colors" and the upcoming Winter Theme "Where In The World...".
The Challenges are also designed to encourage our members to explore using camera features, shooting techniques, and subjects to expand their photographic universe. As always, we encourage our members to think about composition, their focal point, their audience and whether their images tell a story.
Those Who "Make it Happen"
As members of the Photography Club we are fortunate to enjoy a variety of opportunities to share our photography with our fellow club members as well as with the greater Lincoln community. These opportunities are made possible by the time effort and hard work involved securing exhibit venues and in the production of the shows. Those members who plan, initiate and work on the logistics of the exhibits include: Rhonda Campbell, Larry White, Klara Kleman and Denise Souza.
Jim Moon - President
Rhonda Campbell
Exhibit Activities Co-founder and Coordinator
Rhonda is a founding member of the Photography Club and has been a leader in establishing the Exhibit activities of the Club. She has worked with local venues to provide exhibiting opportunities for our members. These include exhibiting at local banking institutions, restaurants, and at the Lincoln Fine Arts League.
Kate McCarthy - Secretary
Denise Souza
Exhibits Coordinator
Denise, has overall responsibility for coordinating the Exhibits and reporting on the various Exhibits opportunities we enjoy as members of the Photo Club. She is responsible for coordinating and producing the quarterly Bournarroti's Exhibits. The Simple Pleasures Restaurant Exhibit rotates with the Painters Group every four months. The Spa Exhibit is scheduled for twice a year, and the Needle Arts Display window, more commonly known as the Sewing Room Window in Orchard Creek Lodge, once a year, which is scheduled by the Association. This is a great advertisement opportunity for our Club since many residents walk through the Orchard Creek Lodge hallways and take the time to admire our members' images. She is also responsible for reflecting status on the relevant Photography Club website.
Venue Locations
Simple Pleasures Restaurant:
648 5th Street
Lincoln, CA 95648
Phone: 916-645-1251
Orchard Creek,
Kilaga Springs Spa, and
Orchard Creek Needle Art Display Window
Buonarrotti Restaurant
760 Lincoln Blvd (old Hwy 65)
Lincoln, CA 9548
Phone: 916-645-7951