Photo by Bob Baikauskas
Lincoln Hills
Photography Club

LH Photography Club Risks & Liability
Important Notice - Safety, Risks & Liability
By participating in Lincoln Hills Photography Club (LHPC) activities, members and their guests are solely responsible for and assume all liabilities for their own safety, health, and costs. Neither the LHPC, officers, club members, field trip planners or leaders assume any responsibility for the safety, health or costs of members, guests, or others. Members are required to inform their guests of this notice and its requirements. Activities and field trips may include many safety issues such as hazardous walking, weather, driving, travel, lodging, food, criminal activity and exposure to injury, illness, and disease among others.
The Club’s website and other communications are provided as a benefit to members. The Club can make no representations as to the accuracy, quality, timeliness, availability, or completeness of the information available through these methods. Thus, use the website and other communications at your own risk.
Acknowledgement: By signing this Important Notice, I acknowledge that I have read the above Notice and understand that there are risks associated with Lincoln Hills Photography Club activities, and I am responsible for my own health, safety, and costs and those of my guests. I also acknowledge that I use the website and other communications at my own risk.
If you have any questions or want further clarification before signing, contact a board member.