Photo by Bob Baikauskas
Lincoln Hills
Photography Club

New Website supports higher resolution images and faster load times.

Photograph Submission Guide V.02
Revised 12-24-2015
Mike Johnson has volunteered to be the Photo Editor for this important component of the website and has prepare the follow information pertaining to the submission of new images or updates to the Personal Galleries.
The new website can handle larger images and support faster load times for image display than the previous website. The website is currently displaying the images that were transferred from the old site.
There is a minimum number of four (4) images you can have in your gallery. We are currently limiting the maximum number of images per gallery to 32. This is in anticipation to the expected influx of new images and the time and effort required to process and post them to the site.
We are encouraging our members to review their Galleries and upgrade them with new images and/or higher resolution images.
Maximizing Quality
This section lays out the specifications required for maximizing the quality display of the images we will be posting to the Personal Galleries and elsewhere throughout the site.
Images that will be showcased in the Personal Galleries will have a final resolution of 1400 pixels (on the longest dimension) and a pixel per inch resolution of 144 ppi.
Mike will be resizing all Gallery images to this format using Adobe Lightroom. You are encouraged to give Mike images that have NOT been resized, but have the original resolution and pixel density captured by your camera. When saving a JPEG from your photo editing software save at maximum quality.
Submission Guidelines
All images MUST be in .JPG format.
The image files may be given to the Mike Johnson, Photo Editor, on a flash drive.
The Drive must be externally ID'd with owner's name.
Internally the Drive must include a text, word or pages file containing the owner's name, address and phone number.
Flash Drives will be returned to the owners at the General Meeting.
Individual image files may be emailed to the Mike. The images MUST be attached to the Email and NOT pasted/inserted into the body of the email. Note: 10-15MB is the max size of an Email.
Still have questions on how to submit your images? Email Mike using the link under his photo.