Photo by Bob Baikauskas
Lincoln Hills
Photography Club

Here is What the LH Lifestyles Photography Group is all About
The Lincoln Hills Photography Club, has frequently been asked by the Community Association and by individual Groups, Clubs and Organizations to photograph individual community residents or events taking place within the community.

Because of the high demand for these types of services the Lincoln Hills Lifestyles Photography Group was formed in March 2015.
The Lifestyles Photography Group is made up of members of the Lincoln Hills Photography Club. These dedicated volunteers go above and beyond to support the ever growing requirements of the Lincoln Hills Community.
If you are interested to become a contributing member of the Lifestyles Photography Group contact Klara Kleman – coordinator.
Here's a list of our dedicated photographers!
Klara Kleman – coordinator;

• We photographed AAUW American Association of University Woman Banquet held at Catta Verdera Country Club on Thursday March 8. This is our second year photographing this event. We had three photographers on this shoot, Charlie Schuman, Jeff Andersen and Jim Cormier.
• We photographed an awesome celebration on February 10th. Harry and Eleanor Neves celebrated their 70th Wedding Anniversary and Harry celebrated his 96th Birthday. It was an honor to be asked by the family to photograph this awesome event. The celebration took place in the Solarium at Orchard Creek. The photographers for this shoot were Jeff Andersen, Charlie Schuman and Jim Cormier.
• We photographed a Promotional Marketing Commercial for the Lincoln Hills Communications and Marketing Office. The client was Skittles Candy. The spokesman for the product was Marshan Lynch of the Oakland Raiders. It was a challenge to capture the photos of the event while at the same time staying out of view of the video production crews cameras. It was an interesting experience for the Lifestyles Photography Crew.

Concourse D'Elegance
May of 2019 Concourse D'Elegance at Lincoln Hills event was photographed by Jim Cormier, Michael Johnson and Klara Kleman.
The Association asked us for photos at the August 8th, Launch Party for the Celebration of our 20th Anniversary. Jim Cormier and Klara Kleman participated. Klara Kleman

Here's a list of our dedicated photographers!

Lifestyle Photographer
I love all kind of art. So, I thought the art through photography is easier to accomplish then drawing or painting. Not true. When I moved to SCLH 12 years ago I joined the Photography Club to learn. I am still learning the art of photography, the mystery of digital photography, the science and the ever changing technology. The LH Photography Club is a great venue for that. As a SCLH Life Style Photographer I love to be able to record the SCLH events and create memorable moments.

Charlie Schuman
Charlie is new to Sun City Lincoln Hills and has been photographing the lifestyles for a year. He has been photographing for over 40 years. For eight years he was a partner in Panama Adventures specializing in capturing the action of water rafting and producing a comedic show for the rafters. Also for five years he was a boxing photographer focusing on the world of professional and amateur boxing.

Brad Senn
Lifestyle Photographer
Brad wears many different hats in various clubs in the Lincoln Hills Community. He always looks forward to participating in a Lifestyles shoot whenever his busy schedule allows. If you have had a chance to look a to view some of Brad's photos on this site you will soon see he is very comfortable behind the camera.

Jeff Andersen
Lifestyles Photographer
Jeff can always be found wondering around the Lincoln Hills community with camera in hand. Jeff has been the President of the Lincoln Hills Photography Club. Jeff has a photographic style of his own and you can always tell that Jeff took took that photo. We request that all donations made on behalf of the work we do be made to the Lincoln Hills Foundation. Jeff is on the Foundation Board and keeps track of the donations made on our behalf.