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Lake Tahoe for Salmon, Bears, and Fall Colors

Suggested Dates: October 17 - 18, 2019

1908-South Lake Tahoe-Bear Kress-Aug23-I

A small bear just outside a restaurant in South Lake Tahoe during our last Field Trip to South Lake Tahoe. His mother and sibling are further up the tree.

An easy, scenic drive from our community, the Tahoe area provides so many photographic opportunities.


An easy, scenic drive from our community, the Tahoe area provides so many photographic opportunities. Great displays of gold, yellow and red mix with green evergreens to provide a wonderful photo opportunity in the fall. Kokanee salmon swim up streams and are intercepted by hungry bears preparing to hibernate. Merganzers and other birds feed on salmon, ducks forage the bottom of waterways for salmon eggs.


New moon (that is no moon) will occur later in the month, so skies will be too bright for galaxy photography during the suggested time frame of the Tahoe field trip.


NOTE: Watch for road closures on Route 50 to Tahoe. You may have to select Interstate 80 to get there. Possibly Mormon Emigrant Trail Road could be an alternative


Most of the information provided in the past year is still valid. Click    HERE    to see a past handout provided by Les Thomas.

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The cabin on Highway 88


Brilliant yellows on Highway 89

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Horses on Fallen Leaf Road

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1908-South Lake Tahoe-Salmon-Aug26-I-LP-

Bear and bear food at Taylor Creek near the Visitor Center

South Lake Tahoe Field Trip


Sunset at South Lake Tahoe From Cave Rock

The Lake Tahoe Field Trip was menu-driven and had many options. Some of us watched the sun go down at Edgewood Beach, and, very early the next morning, the sunrise at Emerald Bay.


The Barker Pass and Blackwood Canyon option resulted in great wildflower photos.


We also went to Woods Lake Trailhead. We had perfect weather, and the trail to Lake Winnemucca was covered with many varieties of wildflowers.


Some Information that Les Thomas prepared for a past trip is included below.

Field Trip


Field Trip


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