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Caples Creek Trail

The Caples Creek trail has a variety of wildflowers peaking in late June / early July (weather/rainfall dependent).


The trail is shared by hikers and horseback riders (must watch where you step), and can be regarded as between moderate and strenuous, depending on your strength and how far you go. We thought the 4-mile round trip to Schneider Meadow as moderate. Other hikers were making the 10-mile loop (see trail map in the attached PDF) and looked quite weary.


We hiked it on July 8th, and lots of water was flowing and we were presented with a nice assortment of wildflowers. The meadows were just drying out, so earlier would have been wetter.


We didn’t take mosquito repellant, and there were times where swatting these critters was keeping us busy.

Caples Creek Trail Gallery

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