Photo by Bob Baikauskas
Lincoln Hills
Photography Club

This is an Archive Page for the April 2016 News Page. Some Links may no longer work as the site has changed.
If a link does not work go to the current subject pages for links to archived content pertaining to stories contained on this page.

April 13th General Meeting Presentation will feature Sacramento Photographer Joe Chan.
Joe Chan will be our presenter at the Wednesday, April 13th General Meeting. Joe Chan is a self taught photographer residing in Sacramento California. His images of the California delta have been shown in various galleries and he has an ongoing display at the Moon Café in Locke, California. His presentation will not only show his work but he will also provide more technical information about how he achieves these beautiful images.
Downtown Locke, CA - Joe Chan
It’s the Lifestyle Event (or Club Expo) Held March 22
Three New Members Have Joined Our Club
This year’s Club Expo was held on March 22 in the Orchard Creek Ball Room. The goal of this event is to introduce residents of Sun City Lincoln Hills to the many clubs and organizations within our community and to provide them information about our programs and services. Our booth was staffed by members of the Club including John Campbell, Rhonda Campbell, Bob Baikauskas, Dale Petersen, Gary Sloan, Don Baylis and Charlie Schuman. We did add three new members to the Club: Carol Neece, Andrew Petro, and Ken Spencer.

John Campbell and Dale Petersen doing their best to bring in new members
Charlie Schuman and Bob Baikauskas recruiting Jeff Andersen?
Jim Klein Presents Matting techniques at March Print SIG
Jim made a comprehensive presentation on best practices for mounting and matting your photographs at the March 23rd Round Table and Print SIG meetings.
His presentation covered materials and methods and focused on the preferred approach when preparing work for display in a gallery.
For Photos and links to a YouTube video prepared by Jim visit our Print SIG Page IHERE

Jim Klein
April Enhancement SIG to focus on "Mirrorless" cameras
The good, bad and ugly of using "Mirrorless" Cameras will be the focus of the April 6th Enhancement SIG slated for April 6th.
The presentation will be led by our very own Globe Trotting Patrick Jewell who is well qualified to talk about the subject as he has used his "Mirrorless in virtually all kinds of weather conditions and environments.
The presentation will be held in the Orchard Creek Lodge Multi-Purpose Room starting at 8:30am. Note: this is a new location!

Patrick Jewell
Bill Kress to lead Field Trip to nearby Table Mountain for a Wildflower and Water Fall Photo Safari on April 9th!

Bill Kress marks the spot for the Fire Fall shot during the February Yosemite Field Trip. Bill will be leading the Field Trip to Table Mountain which is situated six miles North of Oroville. Trip will offer great opportunities to photograph wildflowers and a waterfall.
If you have missed some of the Club's previous trips to photograph wildflowers in the Sierra Tahoe area you now have the opportunity to shoot wildflowers much closer to home.
The Table Mountain area is an Ecological Reserve that is reaching its peak this coming week. Created by ancient lava (basalt) flows, the approximately 3,300 acre Reserve is an elevated basalt mesa with beautiful vistas of spring wildflowers, waterfalls, lava outcrops, and a rare type of vernal pool, called Northern Basalt Flow Vernal Pools. Typically fissures in the basalt soak up winter rains, forming seasonal streams and waterfalls. In a few places, however, the underlying basalt is impermeable to water forming a temporary pool. Soon to dry up after rains end, only specialized plants and animals adapted to this habitat can survive over time.
Bill has prepared a few documents to help you prepare for the Trip. You should contact Bill directly to sign up for the trip. He is listed in the Sun City Community Telephone Directory. His contact info is listed in the Announcement pdf below.
Trip Announcement
One Page Summary
Four Page Summary

Larry White to lead Photo Safari at
Ferrari Pond April 15th
Larry White will guide 2 walking tours on a great adventure at Ferrari Pond as he points out more animals than you ever imagined that live in our local wetlands. We’ve all seen his photographs of birds, coyotes, mink and other creatures, now it’s time for him to share his secret locations & methods. Don’t miss this great opportunity.
Photo by Larry White
When: Friday, April 15, 2016 with your choice of either 6:15 A.M. for sunrise or 8:00 A.M. for morning light
Where: Meet up in the parking area at Angler’s Cove
Equipment: Bring what you have for low lighting, wildlife, flowers, landscapes and people. Larry loves to use his 100-400 telephoto lens. Most of the wildlife is either having, or trying to have, sex so Larry advises to use your discretion filter.
Sign up: Advance sign up needed to ensure Larry you are going to show up and what time you want to start, select either 6:15 A.M. or 8:00 A.M.
He is limiting each of these guided tours to a handful of people to avoid stressing the wildlife.
You can contact Larry via telephone. He is listed in the Sun City Community Telephone Directory.
The Aerospace Museum is Right Down the Road
From Us and We Get to Take Photos this coming May 5th!
The Aerospace Museum of California, at McClellan Field in Sacramento, has reserved May 5th from 10-12:30 for a tour by the Photography and Videography Groups of Lincoln Hills. If you have never been there before, or if you haven't seen the new Flight Zone, this is a fun experience and a perfect opportunity to get some great photos and video. One of our own, Jim Wronkiewicz, will be acting as a docent for our tours.

Aerospace Museum Flight Simulator
Flight Simulator For a Small Plane
Cost - The cost for admission is $5.00 and the cost for the Flight Zone flight simulators is an additional $5.00.
Transportation - We will meet at Orchard Creek near the Wave at 9:00AM and leave by about 9:15AM. Those who wish to carpool can make arrangements at that time. The museum is located on Freedom Park Drive which is accessed via Watt Ave, North of Hwy 80, basically at the North end of McClellan Field.
Lunch - Since we are leaving from the museum at 12:30PM, for those who want to, we could head over to Golden Corral or the Officer's Club, depending upon the number in our party.
Guests - Guest are allowed on field trips.
Reservation - Please contact Jeff Hanner, by April 8th if you wish want to participate in this great event. Hope to see you there.
Contact - Jeff Hanner will be leading the Field Trip. You can contact him via phone. He is listed in the Sun City Community Telephone Directory.
Yosemite "Fire Fall" Photo Field Trip a Rousing Success for all Participants!

Motley Crew -- Gathered on Thursday evening February 18th to photograph the Yosemite Fire Fall phenomenom which takes place only during a two-week period every year... weather permitting. Pictured (l. to r.) Les Thomas, Bob Baikauskas, Dale Petersen, Bob Dale, Sandy Holtzclaw, Truman Holtzclaw (kneeling), Susan Jewell (seated) and Patrick Jewell.
This year’s winter field trip to Yosemite, February 15-19, 2016 was everything and more that we could wish for with a perfect mix of weather and water conditions.
The iconic photography of the “Natural Fire Fall ” of Horsetail Falls only exists for a few weeks in February due to the angle of the sun, and opportunity is often limited due to cloud cover or lack of water. Photographers from all over the world flock to the banks of the Merced River or the meadows near the cliffs El Capitan to catch a glimpse of it.
The weather was perfect and as the sun dimmed and the light changed from gold to orange, a ribbon of fire seemed to flow down the cliff. Shutters chattered for thirty minutes as all attempted to capture the scene. When the light finally faded, a loud cheer went out from the riverbank in appreciation for the wonderful sight. For some this was the first good shot in the twenty years they had come to Yosemite for this spectacle. (excerpts taken from an Article by Kate McCarthy).
To get all the details and view our Field Trip Gallery go to our Field Trip Page HERE
March 10th General Meeting
Show & Tell a Big Success!
The Show & Tell program at our March General Meeting was a great success with approximately 17 people submitting programs for the audience’s enjoyment. The subjects ranged through all aspects of our member’s interests from California orchids to the small town life of Wheatland, from stage performers to the elusive and phenomenal Firefall at Yosemite. Some presentations were done using a slide show approach while others used presentation programs that combined the images with music. We were also lucky enough to have some beautiful printed images displayed. Unfortunately, their display was inhibited by a lack of good light and diminished time for viewing. As a “to do” item we will try to improve on both for our next Show & Tell. To see a selection of images presented at the meeting go HERE
Allen Adler, Rhonda Campbell, Carole Haskell, Ron Parker, Larry White and Vicki White presented their fine art prints at the January and February Print SIGs.
The Club members showcased recently produced prints to the Print SIG group during the January and February meetings. Two samples are pressented below. See more photos of the SIG's meetings by visiting our Print SIG Page HERE

One of the works Vicki is exhibiting in the Art League of Lincoln Digital Art Show

Sunrise and Rain Cloud print was pressented by Allen Adler
Huntingdale, Petersen, Stewart, Fedors, and Ferguson post new Galleries
Stephanie Huntingdale, Dale Petersen, Carmel Fedors, Steve Stewart and Greg Ferguson have just updated our Gallery Page with new and higher resolution images. That brings us to 42 folks showing their work for all of us to enjoy. The Gallery was setup for ALL of our members to use so don’t be shy about submitting your work. We have made the submittal process pretty simple so for more information about how to do it go HERE
Click Image go to Photographer's Gallery
Time to update your Gallery on the Club's Website
Our new Website is designed to showcase your images with better quality and higher resolution that ever before. Now is the time to take advantage of its availability and update your images.
We will accept as few as four (4) images and a maximum of 16 images for a member's gallery.
We have published a detailed Photograph Submission Guide which you can retreive by downloading the Adobe pdf file which you will find on our Member's Page HERE We have also presented a detail description of how to optimize the quality of your images when rescaling them which you can access by clicking HERE
Don't pass up this opportunity to showcase your work!!
Art League of Lincoln Presents “Digital Art Your Way”
The Art League of Lincoln is presenting an art exhibit entitled “Digital Art Your Way” from March 16 to April 9 with a reception on March 19 (for additional information see Eleven of our LHPC members are entered in the exhibit; Allen Adler, Bob Baikauskas, John Campbell, Rhonda Campbell, Jim Hammond, Pete Henshaw, Patrick Jewell, Steve Stewart, Bill Szabo, Larry White and Vicki White. In total there are 52 pieces of art from 25 entrants. The format of digital art that make up this exhibit can be 2D, 3D or video (movies, animations, etc.). The intent of this exhibit is to go way beyond the standard digital photograph and create personalized art using digital brushes, filters, warping techniques, mixing images.....the only limitation is your imagination. Below are three of the images our club members entered.
Allen Adler
Photographer Jan Lightfoot impresses with her
presentation at the February 10th General Meeting.

February's General Meeting featured a stellar presentation by Jan Lighfoot who made her third visit to the Photography Club to shared her approach to photography.
Vicki White has prepared a recap of Jan's presentation which you can check-out HERE
Jan Lightfoot image photographed during a trip to Nambia in Africa.
The Mystery of Photoshop's "Smart Objects" revealed during Allen Adler's March 2nd Enhancement SIG presentation.

Presenting to a "standing-room only" group of enthusiatic Photoshoppers, Allen Adler clarified how to best take advantage of Photoshop's "Smart Objects" feature.
He showcased the feature's power by demonstrating its use on several of his images.
Check out more information about his March presentation by going to the Enhancement SIG Page HERE
Allen Adler
Needle Arts Window Gallery Exhibit set for May 10th to June 13th
Photographers from the LHPC will have an opportunity to exhibit their work in the Needle Arts display case at OC from May 10 to June 13.
This year’s theme is “Nature in Lincoln Hills.” If you have not shown your work at this venue before, you will have first priority to have your work on exhibit. All pieces submitted must be no smaller than 4”x6,” no larger than 8”x10,” and must be mounted on stiff material (cardboard, fiberboard, etc.).
Framed work cannot be accepted. Please make arrangements to submit your work to Jeff Andersen no later than Friday, April 29. You may submit up to 3 pieces, although all may not be included in the exhibit due to space limitations. These exhibits have been very well received by the community, so don’t miss your chance!