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This is an Archive Page for the November
2016 News Page.  Some Links may no longer work as the site has changed.  
If a link does not work go to the current subject pages for links to archived content pertaining to stories contained on this page.
Upcoming Photo Club  Meetings and Events

November 06, 2016

Field Trips

The Club is  planning a six day to field trip to  Death Valley from March 6 to 11.  This trip is still in the preliminary planning stages but if you are interested you should contact the Furnace Creek Inn and Ranch Resort or other hotels nearby as rooms get scarce at that time of year.

November 06, 2016


The Simple Pleasures exhibit runs through January 23 and features images of "Winter Wonderland and More".  Check out the photos from our exhibiting Club Members on this NEWS page below.

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Archive of Previous News Pages

 LINK  October 2016

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 LINK  March 2016

 LINK  February 2016

 LINK  January 2016

 LINK  December 2015

 LINK  November 2015

 LINK  October 2015

The purpose of the Photo Enhancement SIG is to help you make your photos better using photo editing software. The next meeting will be Wednesday November 2nd at 8:30AM in the Orchard Creek Multi-Purpose room.  For more info go to the SIG's webpage  HERE   Also check out the photo-related internet deals  HERE 

January 25, 2017

Round Table SIG - 4th Wednesday @ 8:30am

The Round Table SIG will NOT take place on November 23rd or December 28th at it's usual time of 8:30am in the Multi-purpose room in Orchard Creek Lodge due to the holidays. For more information about the Round Table SIG click  HERE 

January 25, 2017

Print SIG - 4th Wednesday @ 10:30am

The Print SIG will NOT be held in November or December due to the holidays.  It is normally held in the Orchard Creek Multi-purpose room immediately following the Round Table SIG.  The Print SIG provides an opportunity for members to present and discuss their prints and receive feedback from fellow Club members.  To learn more about the Print SIG visit our page  HERE 

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New Members! Time to Post Your Photo Gallery

Now that you have joined the Photography Club it's time to share some of your images with the Club.  You can have as few as four images or as many as 20 images in your Gallery.


It couldn't be simpler.  Click  HERE  for the "How-to". If you want Mike Johnson our Photo Editor to handle for you he'd be happy to do so.  If you haven't checked out our members' Galleries you can do so buy clicking the GALLERIES menu link in the navigation bar.

November General Meeting: Wanted Dead or Alive (your Images that is).

By Vicki White

At our next General Meeting on Wednesday, November 9th in the Kilaga Springs Presentation Hall, Truman Holtzclaw, our esteemed Vice President, will present an interesting and very informative discussion on “What do you do with your images now and as part of your estate. “ During this presentation, Truman will discuss and illustrate the different ways our members can use our images now and in the future.  


Truman has an impressive range of options, some of the more intriguing ones include Digital Displays; Mugs; “T” Shirts; Key Chains;  Donations; Posters; Bill Boards;  Greeting Cards; Furniture; Shower Curtains;  Welcome Mats;  Baseball Caps; Magnets; Banners of all kinds;  Car Coverings; Blogs; Social media; and, Revolving Picture Frame images to name a few of the 31 ideas he will share.


In addition to the illustrations, there will be some samples of the items discussed. Truman will finish by discussing the international competitions.  This is a great opportunity to explore options for our photos that we have probably never considered before now.  This is a meeting you won’t want to miss.

Image by Truman Holtzclaw

Truman Holtzclaw Presented "Shooting Down Hwy. 395" at Oct. 12th General Meeting.

A scene from the June Lake Loop which is situated between Lee Vining and Mammoth Lake off I-395

Take a vicarious trip down Scenic Highway 395 this coming October 12th when Trueman Holtzclaw makes his presentation at the Club's next General Meeting in the Kilaga Presentation Hall.


Truman's presentation will showcase all of the world famous photo hot spots that have captured photographers for the last 80-years. Theses include the ghost town of Bodie, Mono Lake, Alabama Hills and others.


If you've ever considered making the trip this will be a great introduction.  If you are going on the upcoming October trip it is a must.  To get more info and a preview of some of the photos you'll see go  HERE 


Truman Holtzclaw

Our Annual Christmas Breakfast
to be Held December 14
at the Orchard Creek Sports Bar.

The annual Lincoln Hills Photography Club Christmas Party (this replaces the General Meeting for December) will be held this year on December 14 in the Orchard Creek Sports Bar from 8:30 am to 10:30 am complete with a breakfast buffet. This event sold out last year so don't be left out, get your tickets now!  They will be on sale at the November General Meeting for $10 each or you can contact Dale Petersen at 916- 408-2658.  When you arrive at the Sports Bar you will trade your breakfast ticket for a raffle ticket .  We will be located at the door to the Sports Bar to take your breakfast ticket and give you the raffle ticket.  The raffle will be composed of wrapped and unwrapped items supplied mainly by the attendees (that is you!) so PLEASE bring something to put on the raffle table.  It does not have to be new, nor expensive, nor related to photography.  Some will provide greeting cards or calendars they have made, some will bring a lens cleaning brush they bought for $2 while others may bring a piece photographic equipment they no longer want and don’t want to sell it.  The point is, it doesn’t matter, just bring something.  We will continue drawing raffle tickets until all of the gifts are gone.  Wrapping of raffle items is optional.  Note the club has contributed $250 toward some meaningful raffle prizes.


If you want to check out the fun we had last year go  HERE 

Eastern Sierra Fall Colors Field Trip a Great Success.

The Eastern Sierra field trip got off to a tricky start this year as we had to dodge storms that were moving through the Sierras from Tahoe down to Bishop producing rain, snow and high winds.  The original start dates of October 14 through 19 were loosely followed with some leaving earlier and some leaving later. 


For those brave souls that made the trip, it was well worth the effort.  A post field trip "Show & Tell" party is scheduled for November 11 starting at 4:30 pm at Les & Marilyn's house.  This event is open to, and I quote Les, "anyone who went on the trip, wanted to go, went on a related subject trip or who works hard to make our club special". For more information on the Show & Tell event click on the buttons below.


We will have a much expanded write up on this trip next month with lots of images from the folks that braved the elements, so look for it in the latter part of November.




Image taken on this year's field trip by Pete Henshaw titled "Dusting of Snow"

Nine Club Members showcase work at Simple Pleasures.

The theme for the current Photo Club Exhibit at downtown Lincoln's Simple Pleasures Restaurant is "Winter Wonderland & More".  It features the work of nine of our Club Members.  Showcasing their work are: Rhonda Campbell, Rebecca Davis, John Fedors, Stephanie Huntingdale, Jim Klein, David Masche, Carol Neece, Steve Stewart, and Larry White.   Below are digital versions of the Exhibit images, but you need to see the images as "Prints" to fully appreciate their beauty.


The exhibit will be on display until January 23rd.   Simple Pleasures is located in downtown Lincoln at  648 Fifth Street.  It's a great spot for breakfast and lunch.  Check out the Exhibit and support this local venue.

Click images for larger view.

To learn more about the Club's many exhibition opportunities visit our Exhibit Page  HERE 

Community Association wants your photographs!

The Sun City Lincoln Hills Community Association has given us the opportunity to provide them with images that will be used in the upcoming 2017 Community Directory and Resource Guide.  This is a great opportunity for our members  to contribute to a publication and be recognized for that contribution.  Please take the time to read the adjacent email from Jeannine Balcombe advising us of this opportunity and the preferred subject matter.

As far as what format is preferred. it varies.  You will note that cover photos are in a "portrait" format with an allowance for the publication title at the top and room at the bottom for more information.  The remainder of the photos are a variety of landscape and portrait formats.  Jeannine has specified submittals be a high quality jpeg photo.  As photographers we need a few more specifics, so here they are:


  • The size of the image should keep the longest edge at 11"

  • The image should be 300 pixels per inch


If you are not sure how to accomplish this, bring it up in any of the SIGs and you should be able to get the answers.

Please submit youf images directly to Jeannine no later than January 18, 2017.  You can use a flash drive if you submit a number of images and she will then give you a new flash drive in return.....not a bad deal.  If you have only a few images you can email them. 

Club Member's Show & Tell Images were Highlight of the September 14th General Meeting. 

Here's just a sampling of  the photographs that were showcased
Ferrante, Johnson and Holtzclaw add new images to personal galleries.

Click on photo to go to the photographer's Gallery on this website.

Mike Johnson

Truman Holtzclaw

Member Galleries can now accommodate
a maximum of 20 images, up from 16.

Club Member Individual Galleries have now been expanded to accommodate a total of 20 photographs.


With this expansion members who want to showcase their photos on the website have the option to present as few as four photos up to a maximum of 20 photos.  The prior maximum was limited to 16 images.


For those needing assistance in resizing their images, for posting to the website, should refer to the instructions that are posted on the Members Page  HERE 

Jack Ferrante

The BLOG is Here!!! Check it Out.

The Blog has been up for a couple of months now and and there are currently seven posts. The topics include dealing with lens distortion and perspective issues, why you should use back button auto focus, good deals available on the internet, and one on Raw Therapee a free and very capable photo editor that will take your photos from blah to great in less than a minute. So if you haven't checked them out yet there is no time like the present to click on the link below.


It's been about a month since the last Blog and my excuse is I was on a two week trip to the Pacific Northwest which will be the subject of an upcoming Blog post. Plus I'm working on a couple of others so they should be coming more frequently.


We want to hear from You!


One of the nice things about the Blog is you have the ability to comment on blog posts and respond to someone else's comments. You can even put a photo in your comment.  So far no one has commented on any of the posts. We were hoping members would get involved and express there opinions.  In fact we encourage you to do so.


If you have any experience with, or opinions about, any of the information presented in the blog posts please share your thoughts with your fellow Club members. Post a comment. I would prefer the Blog be a conversation and not a lecture.


Have a post idea... Let us know. 


One final reminder. Any member can make a Blog post. Just write it up and send it to me. You can even remain anonymous however you do have to tell me who you are but I won't use your name as the author. 


To navigate to the new blog look for the BLOG link at the end of the main menu, or click   HERE 



We hope you will enjoy this feature and participate by commenting on blog posts, responding to the comments of others, and asking questions. 

Gary Stephens is our Blogger!!

If you would like to reach Gary directly you can email him at:


A New Location Added: Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area

Less than an hour’s drive from Lincoln, on Route 80 West just past the Yolo Causeway and before you get to Davis, a large sign indicates the Yolo Wildlife Area.


We visited this wildlife refuge on November 4th with the Bird Group, and had lots of opportunities to photograph a dozen or so varieties of birds.


For more information, some of our pictures and to get directions to Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, click   HERE  


Bill Kress, Editor of the Locations sections of the site.

The Locations page is a collection of photography locations from individual member travels, and from past club-organized field trips. It’s goal is to serve as an inspiration to go somewhere and photograph something interesting. It can also help organize future field trips.


We look forward to your contributions. To share a location with others, click the link at the top of the Locations page. To go to our Locations page click   HERE   

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