Photo by Bob Baikauskas
Lincoln Hills
Photography Club

This is an Archive Page for the June 2016 News Page. Some Links may no longer work as the site has changed.
If a link does not work go to the current subject pages for links to archived content pertaining to stories contained on this page.
Upcoming Photo Club Meetings and Events
June 05, 2016
Field Trips
Club members enjoyed three Field Trips in April: Table Mountain Wildflowers; Ferrai Pond Nature Walk, and Baldo's Rose Garden. Heidelmann Lodge Field Trip is July 21-23rd. A Milkyway shoot is slated for July 7th. The Club is planning an Eastern Sierra trip to shoot the iconic landscapes along Highway 395, and the "Super Moon" in mid-October. Details will be distributed via this website and email.
June 05, 2016
The new Simple Pleasures exhibit which runs through July 18th, features images of "Architecure". Club members are also exhibiting prints of "European Scenes" in Buonarroti Ristorante in Downtown Lincoln until June 30th. Take time to check out the exhibits and support our local merchants.
June 08, 2016
The next Enhancement SIG meeting will be on Wednesday July 6, 2016 at 8:30AM in the Multi-Purpose room at Orchard Creek. This is now our permanent meeting room. Look for Gary's email, announcing details for the next meeting, that will be sent later this month. For more information about the Enhancement SIG go to the SIG's webpage HERE
June 22, 2016
Round Table SIG - 4th Wednesday @ 8:30am
The May Round Table SIG will take place on on June 22nd at it's usual time of 8:30am in the Multi-purpose room in Orchard Creek Lodge. For more information about the Round Table SIG click HERE
June 22, 2016
Print SIG - 4th Wednesday @ 10:30am
The May Print SIG is scheduled for June 22nd starting at 10:30am in the Orchard Creek Multi-purpose room immediately following the Round Table SIG. The Print SIG provides an opportunity for members to present and discuss their prints and receive feedback from fellow Club members. To learn more about the Print SIG visit our page HERE

"Composition" to be topic of Jim Klein's June 8th General Meeting Presentation
Jim Klein, a longtime Club Member, will be our next General Meeting presenter.
His presentation will explore the use of "Gestalt Principles" in refining your Photography Composition Skills.
Jim is a noteworthy photographer whose work has enjoyed extensive exhibition at a variety of local venues including the State Fair, Crocker Art Auction, Color Magazine and more.
The General Meeting will be held Wednesday June 8th in the Presentation Hall in Kilaga Springs from 8:30 to 10:30 am. Come early to meet/socialize with your fellow Club Members and get a good seat to hear Jim's presentation.
For more details on Jim's presentation and to view more of his photographs go to our General Meeting Page by clicking HERE
Our intrepid Club Members enjoyed three field trips this past May.
Wildflowers, Wildfowl, Water Falls and Roses
are sources of many beautiful photos taken by the group.
Check out the trip People and Image Galleries HERE

Photo by Genie Langdon
Coffee Sales at Parking Lot Sale Better
Than Last Year
The Sun City Lincoln Hills Community Association held their annual Parking Lot Sale on May 21 where our club provided coffee and donuts. A special thanks to Gary Sloan for organizing this effort and to the following members for getting up at 3:30 am to start making coffee and to staff our sales booth; Les Thomas, Jeff Andersen, Dale Petersen, Kate McCarthy, Jeff Hanner, Marion Randal, Klara Klemen and Pete Henshaw.
This year was a bit more successful than last year in that we provided 432 donuts and around 200 cups of coffee. These hearty souls even managed to have a good time and certainly “perked” up the spirits of the many attendees.

Bob Dale is newest Gallery contributor with his first postings on the site.
Allen Adler, Jack Ferrante, Patrick Jewell and Larry White have updated their website galleries.
Allen Adler, Jack Ferrante, Patrick Jewell and Larry White have just updated our Gallery Page with new and/or higher resolution images. That brings us to 44 folks showing their work for all of us to enjoy. The Gallery was setup for ALL of our members to use so don’t be shy about submitting your work. We have made the submittal process pretty simple so for more information about how to do it go HERE
Click Image go to Photographer's Gallery
Bob Dale
Jack Ferrante
Patrick Jewell
Allen Adler
Member Galleries can now accommodate
a maximum of 20 images, up from 16.
Club Member Individual Galleries have now been expanded to accommodate a total of 20 photographs.
With this expansion members who want to showcase their photos on the website have the option to present as few as four photos up to a maximum of 20 photos. The prior maximum was limited to 16 images.
For those needing assistance in resizing their images, for posting to the website, should refer to the instructions that are posted on the Members Page HERE
Larry White

Sky Guide Screen-shot showing view of the Galaxy at approximately 11pm on Thursday July 7th.
Here is a link to the North Shore Campground. Note the sites are available only on a first come, first served basis. Each site can accommodate 6 people. HERE
Milky Way Photoshoot scheduled for July 7th
at Loon Lake in the Eldorado Forest
The Milky Way will be in an excellent position for a great shot on July 7th. Bob Baikauskas and Dale Petersen have mapped out a plan to get the shot from Loon Lake in the El Dorado Forest. The Lake is situated at 6,400 feet and should be devoid of light pollution from Reno and Sacramento.
The plan is to drive to the Lake mid-morning on the 7th and scout locations for the Galaxy shot in the evening. The Galaxy will be visible from approximately 10:26 pm on the evening of 7/7 to 3:47am on 7/8.
There is a moon on the 7th, however it sets at 10:45 pm on 7/7. Azimuth will be 283 degrees. The moon phase is a waxing crescent of 16% offering virtually no visible light pollution, particularly since it sets below the western horizon when the Galactic Core visibility begins around 10:50 pm.
Bob and Dale will be staying in the Loon Lake Campground which is situated on the South shore of the Lake. The Lake itself is situated off Ice House Road which is accessed approximately 23 miles West of Placerville off Rt. 50. From Rt. 50. Loon Lake Campground is an additional 11-miles from the Rt. 50 & Ice House Road intersection.
Bob and Dale will be staying at Campsite #32 on Loop B which is a Lakeside campsite that has room for 4 more people. Contact Bob or Dale to let them know if you are interested. Bring your tent, or sleep under the stars… though you just might settle in your car as you might be shooting until 3:47am.
Here is a link to a Google Map showing Loon Lake. There is an interactive 360 degree panorama image of the Lake available on the Google map: HERE
Here is a link to the USDA.GOV Website for the Lake’s Recreational facilities where you can reserve a campsite ($25). Senior discounts are 50% for those with Golden Age Senior Pass or other Interagency Pass: HERE
Here is a link to a detailed map of the Campgrounds: HERE
Heidelmann Lodge Field Trip July 21-23
The LHPC has an opportunity, thanks to Victor and Vickie Jew, to stay at The Heidelmann Lodge, a beautiful private lodge at the top of Donner Summit just off of Interstate 80 near Soda Springs.
The LHPC is planning for a July 21-23 Field Trip centered on Norden, CA (about 9 miles west of Truckee). Through Vic Jew and Jacquie Stoll, the private Heidelmann Lodge will be available to us as a base for our adventures. This historic and pleasantly rustic lodge is a great place from which to venture, and to which return after a day of exploring and shooting. While we have set aside only 2 nights and 3 days for this trip, there are weeks and weeks worth of photo ops open to us.
A pre-trip information and planning meeting will be held so that any lingering, astute, or goofy questions may be asked and answered. For now, just pencil in the dates and get ready for a fun trip.
See the full article for this trip in the Field Trip section HERE

Photo by Rod Bauer
Eastern Sierra Fall Colors and a mid-October “Super-Moon”
will be the focus of the Club Photo Field Trip slated for this Fall.

Moonrise over Patriarch Grove by Bob Baikauskas was shot in the Bristlecone Pine Forest on October 16, 2013.
The Scenic 395 website is the “Official Promotional Guide” for the towns along the length of the Highway that runs from Reno NV all the way to Kramer Junction, CA. It’s a wealth of information regarding great photo opportunities. HERE
Moon Giant website provides a schedule for the exact time the moon will be at its maximum fullness: HERE
The California Fall Color website which features daily updates regarding where and when to find the very best color. HERE
The California Highway 395 Corridor along the Eastern Sierra Escarpment from Mono Lake to the Alabama Hills will be the focus of the Club’s annual Fall Color Field trip scheduled to take place this coming mid-October.
In addition to the Fall Colors, the trip is being scheduled to also take advantage of a “Super Moon” that will reach its maximum fullness on the evening of October 15th at precisely 9:23pm.
Wikipedia defines Super Moon as “the coincidence of a full moon or a new moon with the closest approach the Moon makes to the Earth on its elliptical orbit, resulting in the largest apparent size of the lunar disk as seen from Earth.” It’s BIG folks.
The trip is scheduled to start Thursday October 13th and end October 18th. An itinerary will be prepared and will be similar to that which was prepared for last year’s trip that also took place in mid October. Here is a link to our website’s Location Page that includes downloadable Trip planning materials that were prepared for the 2015 trip. HERE
Updated materials for this year’s trip will be prepared and will be posted to this site later this month in order to allow folks time to plan and make make hotel reservations. There will also be a pre-trip planning meeting, most likely in July or early August, to facilitate questions and discussion.
If you are unfamiliar with the Eastern Sierra the following websites will help you familiarize yourself with the area and the Fall Color you can find there.
If you have any ideas, questions, or suggestions regarding the trip you can email them to Bob Baikauskas HERE
We have updated our Website's
Photography Locations page
This page is a collection of photography locations from individual member travels, and from past club-organized field trips. It’s goal is to serve as an inspiration to go somewhere and photograph something interesting. It can also help organize future field trips.
The main page has a list with important keywords, such as subjects and locations, which can be searched using your browser. There are links to detail pages, containing maps or links to maps, example images, and lots of trip hints including best spots, parking, accommodations, and what to wear.
We look forward to your contributions. To share a great location with others, click the link at the top of the Locations page.
To go to our Locations Page click HERE

Hey folks! Now is the time to renew your
Membership... Dues are Due for 2016-17
It is that time of year again when we need to support our local photography club. It is still only $15 per year to participate in a very active club with 4 meetings per month, experts in our field presenting talks about specialty subjects, an array of field trips throughout the year and the opportunity to explore this wonderful craft with others.
You can pay your dues to Dale Peterson at the upcoming General Meeting. If you joined the club this year you are covered for this period.
Art Display in Orchard Creek Lodge Main Entry
The Sun City Lincoln Hills Community Association has advised us that they are allocating space for the exhibition of various art forms and seasonal displays.
This new exhibition venue is a result of a joint effort between our association and the Art League Of Loncoln in support of America’s ClayFest (the successor to Feats of Clay held at the Gladding McBean factory in Lincoln). America’s ClayFest presented a number of pieces from April 17 to May 14 and the display was quite successful. Based on that, our Association decided to continue showing art in this location and has made the space available to artistically oriented clubs that will be allotted a one month showing of their member’s art in the main entry way to the Orchard Creek Lodge. The Photography Club has been tentatively assigned the month of September to exhibit some of our work. More information will be provided as it becomes available.

We are Showing Off
Europe at Buonarotti's
The current exhibit venue for our talented group is at Buonarotti’s in Lincoln. The theme was “Europe” and the photos submitted for the exhibit truly reflect the theme. In support of those who entered their art and for the local business that is exhibiting them the club got together at Buonarotti’s for Happy Hour on Thursday, June 2.
This was reminiscent of our Happy Hour(s) at Umpqua Bank when we had an Exhibit there, but this time we didn’t have to bring anything but ourselves!
The Happy Hour prices were very reasonable, and the wait staff friendly and courteous. This allowed us to show our appreciation for their generosity and gave us a chance to get together to view some very nice photos and support those who chose to submit their art.
Needle Arts Display Window Lights Up
with Our Nature
Our club is currently displaying small prints capturing "Nature in Lincoln Hills". The requirements for this display are no prints larger than 8x10, mounted on a stiff backing with no frames.
Our members contributed some beautiful images that really do capture the incredible array of animals, birds, insects, flowers and more that we have in our community.
If you have not done so already, please stop by and take a look. Contributing photographers are Phil Robertson, Carole Haskell, Patrick Jewell, Truman Holtzclaw, Larry White, Dale Petersen, Jim Wronkiewicz, Joy Paris, Kate McCarthy, Bob Baikauskas and Brad Senn. The display runs until June 13th.

Baldo Villegas
Photo Club Members Ventured to Baldo’s
Famous Rose Gardens on April 29th
Thanks to Les Thomas, our club had the privilege of visiting Baldo Villegas, Northern California’s most famous rose grower. Baldo is a “Certified Rosarian” and a leading expert on insects which impact roses and other plants. Because of the latter acclaim he is affectionately nicknamed “Baldo the Bugman”. He appears frequently on radio to give advice to the public, and has won many awards.
Baldo graciously agreed to host our club at his large garden, allowing us to take photographs of his beautiful roses and overall operation. He has about 3,000 rose bushes on his 2 acre property, all cataloged and scrupulously maintained. He has planted other herbs and flowers around the garden to attract beneficial insects that assist him in controlling pests that, otherwise, would harm the roses. These other plants also help attract bees, which pollinate the roses as well as the fruit trees and other plants. In this way, he has created an organic garden using no pesticides.
You can check out some of the photos from the trip on our Field Trip Page HERE
For more information about Baldo Villegas go to HERE
Bill Kress Led Field Trip to Table Mountain for a Wildflower and Waterfall Photo Safari on April 9th!

Phantom Falls during the April 9th Field Trip.
Almost a two mile walk from the parking lot, the 130 foot waterfalls were only a trickle. If you look closely, you can see a hiking group aproaching the falls from below.
Club members ignored threats of rain and got some great shots of wildflowers and waterfalls.
The Table Mountain area is an Ecological Reserve that reaches peak blooming in March and early April. Created by ancient lava flows, the approximately 3,300 acre Reserve is an elevated basalt mesa with beautiful vistas of spring wildflowers, waterfalls, lava outcrops, and a rare type of vernal pool, called Northern Basalt Flow Vernal Pools. Typically fissures in the basalt soak up winter rains, forming seasonal streams and waterfalls. In a few places, however, the underlying basalt is impermeable to water forming a temporary pool. Soon to dry up after rains end, only specialized plants and animals adapted to this habitat can survive over time.
Bill has prepared a few documents describing the Trip. His contact info is listed in the Announcement pdf below.
Trip Announcement
Summary March 25
Summary April 9
Summary April 1
You can check out some of our group's photos on our Field Trip Page HERE