Photo by Bob Baikauskas
Lincoln Hills
Photography Club
This is an Archive Page for the March 2017 News Page. Some Links may no longer work as the site has changed.
If a link does not work go to the current subject pages for links to archived content pertaining to stories contained on this page.
Upcoming Photo Club Meetings and Events
March 08, 2017
The General Meeting on March 8 will feature the biannual Show & Tell event. Specific information on submitting images and preparing your presentation for Show and Tell is posted on our General Meeting page HERE
March 06, 2017
Field Trips
The Club is planning a six day field trip to Death Valley from March 6 to 11. For more information see information below or visit our Field Trip page
January 23, 2017
"Anything Goes" is the theme of our current Simple Pleasures Exhibit that will run from January 23rd through April 24th. Check out the current Exhibit images by visiting Simple Pleasures in downtown Lincoln.
Lifestyle Photography Group
The Lifestyle Photography Group provides photojournalistic services to Sun City Clubs and Community Association sponsored events and activities. To learn more visit the Group's page HERE
February 01, 2017
Board Meeting
Meeting to be held March 1st in the Multipurpose Room at Orchard Creek a 10:30am . It is open to any current Photography Club member. Copies of the approved "Board Meeting Minutes" are posted on this site on the MEMBERS page HERE
The purpose of the Photo Enhancement SIG is to help you make your photos better using photo editing software. The next meeting will be Wednesday February 1st at 8:30AM in the Orchard Creek Multi-Purpose room. For more info go to the SIG's webpage HERE Also check out the photo-related internet deals HERE
March 22, 2017
Round Table SIG - 4th Wednesday @ 8:30am
The Round Table SIG will meet this March 22nd at it's usual time of 8:30am in the Multi-purpose room in Orchard Creek Lodge. For more information about the Round Table SIG click HERE
March 22, 2017
Print SIG - 4th Wednesday @ 10:30am
The Print SIG will meet this March 22 in the Orchard Creek Multi-purpose room immediately following the Round Table SIG. The Print SIG provides an opportunity for members to present and discuss their prints and receive feedback from fellow Club members. To learn more about the Print SIG visit our page HERE
March 21, 2017
Video SIG - 3rd Tuesday @ 9:00 am
The Video SIG meets at 9:00 AM in the Multi-Purpose Room of the Orchard Creek Lodge. The March 21st Video SIG is about finding the best methods to record video using your camera. Please BRING YOUR CAMERA AND MANUALS. Get the latest news on the Video SIG activities HERE
Note!! Member Galleries can now support up to a maximum of 32 images!
Members' Show and Tell is focus of March 8th General Meeting
The General Meeting on March 8 will feature the biannual Members Show & Tell event.
Highlighted below are photos from previous "rolling slide shows" members have shared with the club. They are representative of the wide variety of subjects and photographic styles pursued by our club members.
For complete details regarding how to prepare and submit your photos, presentation materials or videos, as well as more suggestions on how to participate go to our General Meeting page HERE
April 13th General Meeting to Spotlight two Topics
Membership Open Forum and Presentation of slick New Image Processing Software
The General Meeting on Apr 13 will have two subjects:
First, a presentation of PhotoLemur (automatic photo enhancement software) will be demonstrated. As described on, “PhotoLemur is the world's first automatic photo enhancement solution that instantly makes your photos much better with the help of computer science & artificial intelligence.”
Second, the meeting will feature an Open Forum for members to discuss a range of topics related to enhancing the Club, and enriching the membership experience. The forum will give members an opportunity to provide feedback to Club leadership on such topics as the Club's organization and focus.
Other topics open for discussion include: the relevance of SIGs; the annual Christmas Party; the possibility of increasing the number of social events; how to use the accumulating Club funds, and what kind of speakers should be featured at the General Meetings.
Additional feedback will also be solicited on such wide-ranging subjects as: should the Club have "judged" photo competitions (both prints and digital); should we establish mentoring programs (camera use, printing, photo enhancing programs); how can we improve our field trips, and just about any other subjects we have time to discuss.
Pick the subject(s) closest to your heart, do some serious thinking, and be prepared to present and discuss what you like, don’t like, and any suggestions you have for improvement.
A Look Into the Abstract World of Smoke
The February General Meeting featured Sacramento photographer Jerry Berry. Berry's presentation, the Chi of Smoke, took us into the abstract world of smoke photography. Smoke is challenging to photograph because it is continually reshaping itself, but Jerry, an award winning master of smoke photography, captures wispy, swirling, strikingly impressive pieces of what only can be described as impressionistic art. His presentation described both the photographic and post processing techniques he uses to create his incredible photos.
Plant to Attend John Berry's Chi of Smoke Exhibit
at the Sacramento Viewpoint Photographic Art Center
Berry will be exhibiting his images during the month of June. The center is located at 2015 J Street, Suite 101.
Check his website for more information:
To get more details regarding Jerry Berry's presentation go to our General Meeting page HERE
Using your DSLR to make movies is topic of March 21st Video SIG meeting
This meeting is about finding the best methods to record video using your camera. Please BRING YOUR CAMERA AND MANUALS. If you don't have a still camera with video, please come anyway, because you may have one in the future. Patrick Jewell will also be showing his video of the penguins in the Antartica shot with two mirrorless cameras.
We have created a new Website page for the Video SIG which you can visit by clicking HERE The Video SIG page on this website can also be found under the Main Menu listing for ACTIVITIES.
Club Members will once again have exhibit in Sewing Display Case.
The Display Case will be available from May 10th through June 12th. Look for additional information in next Months website update.
Jeff Anderson is taking the lead in establishing a subject as well as of parameters for exhibiting our images in the sewing display case. When you are contacted by Jeff, let's all help him make this exhibit another great success.
Larry White updates his Gallery with all new Photos
Click on photos to go to Larry's Gallery Page on this website.
Club Member Individual Galleries have now been expanded to accommodate a total of 32 photographs.
With this expansion members who want to showcase their photos on the website have the option to present as few as four photos up to a maximum of 32 photos. The prior maximum was limited to 20 images.
For those needing assistance in resizing their images, for posting to the website, should refer to the instructions that are posted on the Members Page HERE
Photo by Larry White
Member Galleries now accommodate a maximum of 32 images, up from 20.
Sun City Sister Community in Roseville
To hold Fine Arts Show in March.
Take advantage of the opportunity to view the artwork being created by fellow Del Web Community residents.
Like our own recently completed Lincoln Hills Fine Art Show, a wide variety of artwork will be showcased... and it's free!
Club Member Volunteers Step-up to Improve Club Communications and Outreach.
Debra Raach, Diane Margetts, Vickie White, Jim Cormier, & Kate McCarthy shoulder important new responsibilities.
Debra Raach
Club Secretary
Debra Raach has volunteered be the Club Secretary. She will be responsible for taking minutes of the Club's Board of Director meetings and producing Minutes. This is an important role as it requires her to attend the Meetings, prepare and circulate a Draft Minutes for review and commentary, and produce the final Approved Minutes. The Minutes are the formal record of the Board's actions.
Debra and her husband Fred moved into Sun City this past Summer. Originally from Los Angeles with stops in Santa Rosa and Philadelphia, she has re-ignited her interest in photography after moving to Sun City and joining the Photo Club.
Diane Margetts
Club Communications Director
Communications outreach to the Sun City Community via the Compass, Senior News and the Lincoln News Messenger is an important activity contributing to the growth and vitality of the Photo Club. Diane will be handling the preparation of press stories that appear in those publications. In addition she will be working as a member of the Photo Club Website Team to prepare articles for the NEWS page and other reportage for the Website.
Diane is from Sacramento and moved to Sun City last Summer. She has worked extensively as a marketing communications and public relations professional with the County of Sacramento and as a Federal Employee at McClellen AFB where she developed her love of photography working with Air Force Combat Photojournalist while handling Base Communications, Visitor Relations and Event Management including eight Presidential Visits.
Vicki White
Simple Pleasures Exhibit Coordinator, and Website Reporter for the General Meeting & Exhibits
Vicki White needs no introduction. She is a longtime Sun City resident and member of the Photo Club. In addition she serves and the President of the Sun City Apple Users Group. She will be working with Rhonda Campbell to help with the Club's Exhibit Activities. She will be handling all of the responsibilities for the Simple Pleasures Exhibit starting with the next Exhibit "Old Things" scheduled for April 24th through July 24th.
In addition, she will also be working with Rhonda as the Website Reporter for the Club's various Exhibits. This will involve coordination of photos for the website and the writing of articles related to the various Exhibits.
Jim Cormier
Coordinator & Website Reporter for Lifestyles Photo Group
Jim, who is originally from Colfax, is a five-year resident of Lincoln Hills. Prior to retirement he worked at McClellan Air Force Base for 14 years as a Graphics Designer. According to Jim, "My Graphics Design skills automatically led me to transition into Photography shortly after my retirement. I am now one of the coordinators of the Lincoln Hills Lifestyles Photography Group and am loving every minute of it."
Jim, will be responsible for maintaining the Lifestyles Group's page on the website. This will involve reporting on the Group's activities in providing photographic support for the myriad Sun City groups and clubs as well as official Community Association sponsored events.
Kate McCarthy
Website Reporter for Video SIG and Field Trips
Kate will be taking over responsibility for the Videography SIG's Website presence. In that capacity she will be responsible for the SIG's page on the website as well as providing input on the group's activities for the NEWS page.
In the last four years Kate McCarthy has focused most of her photographic endevours on landscapes, wildlife, and theatre performances. After taking videography classes, she became part of the Video Team for the SCLH Forums, and worked as an editor/producer for the Spectrum Archives, a LGBT oral history project at Sierra College.
To see other members of our website team visit our MEMBERS page HERE
"Anything Goes" is theme of current Simple Pleasures Exhibit.
The Exhibit will run through April 24th
One of the photographs on display at the "Anything Goes" exhibit at Simple Pleasures. Photo by Club member Fred Raach.
The theme for the current Photo Club Exhibit at downtown Lincoln's Simple Pleasures Restaurant is "Anything Goes".
The exhibit features work by Club Members:
Bob Baikauskas, John Campbell, Rhonda Campbel Bob Dale, Carole Haskell, Mike Johnson, Jim Klien, Gary Kost, Carol Neece, Debra Raach, Fred Raach, Brad Senn, Steve Stewart, Larry White, Vicki White, and James Wronkiewicz
The exhibit will be on display until April 24, 2017. Simple Pleasures is located in downtown Lincoln at 648 Fifth Street. It's a great spot for breakfast and lunch. Check out the Exhibit and support this local venue.
Check out all the images currently being showcased at Simple Pleasures by visiting our Exhibit Page HERE
Death Valley Photo Field Trip slated for March 6th through March 11th.
Truman Holtzclaw
Club members will once again be packing their bags and camera gear to head out on another great photographic Field Trip this coming March.
Death Valley National Park is the targeted destination and sweeping sand dunes, wildflowers and roaming rocks will be the focus of the trip. So far, 28 Club members have already signed up for the trip. Lodging accommodations for the trip are still available for those wanting to make the trip.
Charlie Schuman, Kathy Houston, Truman Holtzclaw and Les Thomas are the trip planners and have prepared a comprehensive Information package that includes: travel packs, photo site maps and advice on how and where to get world class photo opportunities. Les has said there will also be camera "tutoring" and reminders on camera settings, suggestions on lens and filter options to use during the trip.
The planning team has assembled a comprehensive Field Trip Information Package, complete with itinerary, maps, lodging information, and helpful trip preparation tips that can be downloaded from this website. It is available by going the the Field Trip page where we have posted the documents as pdf (Acrobat) files.
You can get to the page by clicking HERE
Additional Field Trips are planned for this coming Spring, Summer & Fall.
In April, we are planning 3 local daytrips. Table Mountain Wildflowers &Waterfalls, High Hand Nursery and Larry's Safari at Ferrari Pond.
In July we are looking at 2 trips. One for the Milky Way at Loon Lake and one for the expected abundant Wildflowers and Waterfalls in the Lake Tahoe area.
In September we are planning on a return to the Reno Hot Air Balloon festival which features over 100 hot air balloons.
For those who are newer to the club, our field trips go far beyond just going on a "photo shoot". They are planned to be memorable "Adventures".
You are allowed to bring guests on these field trips unless it is specifically limited to a certain number of "spots". For those trips where we are traveling overnight we normally have a "Pre-Trip Planning Party" with loads of information, handouts and helpful tips. We also have after-trip Show & Tell parties to share photos from the Adventure.
Flash Mob Trips are those spontaneous happenings usually in the local area. Notices for these trips are sent to you via email on somewhat short notice. They are fun and you will always learn something new. Examples in the past have been the Super Moon and some night photography learning opportunities. Truman Holtzclaw is planning one soon to Old Sacramento for night photography and he will "press the shutter" when conditions are best.
We are always looking for new ideas, If you bring an idea please bring a willingness to help do research & planning.
Niland California - Salvation Mountain
Thanks to Truman for providing this location and photos.
A short distance from Niland, California is Salvation Mountain. You might regard this as either crazy graffiti or artwork on a huge scale, but it takes a very driven person to embark on a construction project of this magnitude.
For more information, a few additional pictures from Truman and a link to Salvation Mountain’s website, click HERE
Bill Kress
Know of a great location you would like to share? We look forward to your contributions. To share a location with others, click the link at the top of the Locations page. To go to our Locations page click HERE
The BLOG is Here!!! Check it Out.
The Blog is up and there are several posts discussing various topics related to photography. They include Vibrance & Saturation - How they work, RAW Therapee - It's Free!!, Back Button Autofocus, and Dealing With Lens Distortion and Perspective Issues. Watch for new ones coming soon.
We want to hear from You!
One of the nice things about the Blog is you have the ability to comment on blog posts and respond to someone else's comments. You can even put a photo in your comment. So far no one has commented on any of the posts. We were hoping members would get involved and express there opinions. In fact we encourage you to do so.
If you have any experience with, or opinions about, any of the information presented in the blog posts please share your thoughts with your fellow Club members. Post a comment. I would prefer the Blog be a conversation and not a lecture.
Have a post idea... Let us know.
One final reminder. Any member can make a Blog post. Just write it up and send it to me. You can even remain anonymous however you do have to tell me who you are but I won't use your name as the author.
To navigate to the new blog look for the BLOG link at the end of the main menu, or click HERE
We hope you will enjoy this feature and participate by commenting on blog posts, responding to the comments of others, and asking questions.
Gary Stephens is our Blogger!!
If you would like to reach Gary directly you can email him at:
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