Photo by Bob Baikauskas
Lincoln Hills
Photography Club
This is an Archive Page for the January 2017 News Page. Some Links may no longer work as the site has changed.
If a link does not work go to the current subject pages for links to archived content pertaining to stories contained on this page.
Upcoming Photo Club Meetings and Events
March 06, 2017
Field Trips
The Club is planning a six day to field trip to Death Valley from March 6 to 11. This trip is still in the preliminary planning stages but if you are interested you should contact the Furnace Creek Inn and Ranch Resort or other hotels nearby as rooms get scarce at that time of year.
January 23, 2017
"Anything Goes" is the theme of our next Simple Pleasures Exhibit that will run from January 23rd through April 24th. The Deadline for digital files to Rhonda Campbell is January 11th... you can bring your flash drives to the General Meeting or email them to Rhonda. Check out the current Exhibit images by visiting Simple Pleasures in downtown Lincoln.
January 10, 2017
Board Meeting - Tuesday Before the General Meeting @ 9:00am
Held in the Multipurpose Room at Orchard Creek. It is open to any current Photography Club member.
The purpose of the Photo Enhancement SIG is to help you make your photos better using photo editing software. The next meeting will be Wednesday January 4th at 8:30AM in the Orchard Creek Multi-Purpose room. For more info go to the SIG's webpage HERE Also check out the photo-related internet deals HERE
January 25, 2017
Round Table SIG - 4th Wednesday @ 8:30am
The Round Table SIG will resume meeting this January 25 at it's usual time of 8:30am in the Multi-purpose room in Orchard Creek Lodge. For more information about the Round Table SIG click HERE
January 25, 2017
Print SIG - 4th Wednesday @ 10:30am
The Print SIG will resume it's meeting schedule this January 25 in the Orchard Creek Multi-purpose room immediately following the Round Table SIG. The Print SIG provides an opportunity for members to present and discuss their prints and receive feedback from fellow Club members. To learn more about the Print SIG visit our page HERE
January 17, 2017
Video SIG - 3rd Tuesday @ 9:00 am
The Video SIG meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Multi-purpose Room in Orchard Creek Lodge. The January SIG will explore.....
Note!! Member Galleries can now support up to a maximum of 32 images!
Astrophotographer Don Goldman to present at Jan 11th General Meeting.
​Astrophotography, Solar Eclipse & Scotch Whiskey will be discussed.
Don Goldman will present a multi-part program at the January 11th meeting which starts at 8:30 am in the Kilaga Springs Lodge Presentation Hall. His presentation will begin with a talk on the astrophotography of galaxies and nebula, followed by a discussion on whether to photograph or sit back and enjoy the short total solar eclipse in central Oregon come August of 2017, and will conclude with two short ProShow videos of his Scotland/Islay Distillery Tour and recent trip to Patagonia.
Don is a long-time, well-known astrophotographer who images remotely with his equipment located on a mountain in Australia. He is a popular speaker at astrophotography conferences worldwide. His images are widely published and have been selected 30 times for NASA's prestigious Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD). He and his wife, Nicolle, love to travel and try to arrange two or three photo tours each year. Don also runs his astronomy business, Astrodon, out of his home in Roseville, selling filters for astrophotography and research worldwide.
Annual Christmas Breakfast... A Merry Event Enjoyed by All!
We have posted photos of the event on our General Meeting Page... see link below
The annual Photography Club Christmas Party was held on December 14th with 75 attendees sharing the joy of the holiday season. If you want to check out the photos and the fun we had go HERE
Videography Group Now the Video SIG in the Photography Club.
The Videography Group has officially been welcomed into the Photography Club as of January 3 and will now be called the Video SIG. A welcoming email was sent to all Videography Group members on January 3 providing them with information about our club and encouraging them to take advantage of the many resources we have available. I want to encourage all photo oriented members to also take advantage of the this new SIG as they can help us understand and use the video capabilities available with many of our cameras.
At the last Photography Board meeting held in December the Video SIG was added to the Club by a unanimous vote. It was previously mentioned that this change would be voted on by our membership but that was when we anticipated monies being transferred from the Videography Group's treasury to the Photography Club. This transfer did not happen negating the need for a membership vote.
Merging this group with the Photography Club is a natural and beneficial action for both organizations. It simplifies and reduces the duplication of organizational duties and increases the ability of the members to take advantage of each program.
Let's make our new members feel welcome and encourage them to participate in all our club has to offer.
Photo Club invited to participate in Painters Club Fine Arts Show February 24-26.
The Lincoln Hills Painters Club has extended an invitation to our Club Members to participate in the Lincoln Hills Fine Arts Show that will be held at the Orchard Creek Ballroom February 24, 25 & 26.
The Painters Club will have a Registration Meeting on January 23rd at 1 PM in the Orchard Creek Fine Arts Room. Participation requirements and instructions will be provided to those planning to show their work.
The Fine Art Show will open Friday, February 24th at 5:30 PM and will run Saturday, February 25th from 9 AM to 5 PM and Sunday, February 26th from 9 AM to 3 PM.
Participation Forms are posted as pdf files on the right and can be downloaded from this page.
Registration Package
Registration Form
"Anything Goes" is theme of next Simple Pleasures Exhibit.
January 23rd marks the date for hanging the Exhibit photographs.
The theme for the next Photo Club Exhibit at downtown Lincoln's Simple Pleasures Restaurant is "Anything Goes". The deadline for submitting digital files to Rhonda Campbell is January 11th.
The exhibit will be on display until April 24, 2017rd. Simple Pleasures is located in downtown Lincoln at 648 Fifth Street. It's a great spot for breakfast and lunch. Check out the Exhibit and support this local venue.
Pictured to the left is one of the photographs on display by Club member Jim Klein.
Check out all the images currently being showcased in a gallery
by visiting our Exhibit Page HERE
Brad Senn and Bob Baikauskas post all new Photo Galleries on the Website.
Click on photos to go to the photographer's Gallery Page on this website.
Photo by Brad Senn
Photo by Bob Baikauskas
Member Galleries now accommodate a maximum of 32 images, up from 20.
Club Member Individual Galleries have now been expanded to accommodate a total of 32 photographs.
With this expansion members who want to showcase their photos on the website have the option to present as few as four photos up to a maximum of 32 photos. The prior maximum was limited to 20 images.
For those needing assistance in resizing their images, for posting to the website, should refer to the instructions that are posted on the Members Page HERE
Community Association wants your photographs for 2017 SCLH Directory!
The deadline for submission of photos is January 18th.
The Sun City Lincoln Hills Community Association has given us the opportunity to provide them with images that will be used in the upcoming 2017 Community Directory and Resource Guide. This is a great opportunity for our members to contribute to a publication and be recognized for that contribution. Please take the time to read the adjacent email from Jeannine Balcombe advising us of this opportunity and the preferred subject matter.
As far as what format is preferred. it varies. You will note that cover photos are in a "portrait" format with an allowance for the publication title at the top and room at the bottom for more information. The remainder of the photos are a variety of landscape and portrait formats. Jeannine has specified submittals be a high quality jpeg photo. As photographers we need a few more specifics, so here they are:
The size of the image should keep the longest edge at 11"
The image should be 300 pixels per inch
If you are not sure how to accomplish this, bring it up in any of the SIGs and you should be able to get the answers.
Please submit youf images directly to Jeannine no later than January 18, 2017. You can use a flash drive if you submit a number of images and she will then give you a new flash drive in return.....not a bad deal. If you have only a few images you can email them.
Death Valley Photo Field Trip slated for March 6th through March 11th.
Truman Holtzclaw
Club members will once again be packing their bags and camera gear to head out on another great photographic Field Trip this coming March.
Death Valley National Park is the targeted destination and sweeping sand dunes, wildflowers and roaming rocks will be the focus of the trip. So far, 24 Club members have already signed up for the trip.
Charlie Schuman, Kathy Houston, Truman Holtzclaw and Les Thomas are the trip planners and have prepared a comprehensive Information package that includes: travel packs, photo site maps and advice on how and where to get world class photo opportunities. Les has said there will also be camera "tutoring" and reminders on camera settings, suggestions on lens and filter options to use during the trip.
Those interested in learning more about the trip are invited to a "Trip Planning Party that will be held at Les Thomas' home on January 13th at 4:30 pm. If you are interested in attending please contact Les Thomas, whose phone number is listed in the Community Directory.
We will be providing additional information regarding the trip in the February Website Update slated for the first week of the month.
Eastern Sierra Fall Colors Field Trip a Great Success.
The Eastern Sierra field trip got off to a tricky start this year as we had to dodge storms that were moving through the Sierras from Tahoe down to Bishop producing rain, snow and high winds.
The Storm quickly passed however and bright sunny skies greeted the group after the first day.
The original start dates of October 14 through 19 were loosely followed with some leaving earlier and some leaving later.
For those brave souls that made the trip, it was well worth the effort. A post field trip "Show & Tell" party was held on November 11 at Les & Marilyn Thomas' house.
The was event was open to "anyone who went on the trip, wanted to go, went on a related subject trip or who works hard to make our club special".
We have posted over 80+ photos from the trip and S&T party on our Field Trip Page. Check them out HERE
Aspen Stand along Highway 395 just North of Bishop, CA.
Photo by Greg Ferguson
Super Moon Rising over Mono Lake
Photo by Don Bowden
Mountain Cascade and Fall Colors on the Eastern Sierra
Photo by Les Thomas
We have posted over 80 photos from the trip on our Field Trip Page.
check them out by clicking the button below.
Club Members take on challenge of shooting the Super Moon
On the evening of Sunday, November 13th we were treated to a Super Moonrise that inspired many from our club to venture out with our cameras and do our best to capture the event. The moon was the largest it has been since 1948 and will not be that large again until 2034.
Club Members line up on Ingram Parkway with their cameras in preparation for the November Super Moon that rose over Ferrari Pond on the evening of the 13th. Photo by Mo Senn. Check out the gallery below.
Below is a gallery of Super Moon photos from Club Members. Click thumbnails for larger view.
Obviously not Ferrari Pond
Obviously not Ferrari Pond
Sheep Shearing in Lincoln Hills
Early one morning in April, 2016, the gentle baaaaa’s of the sheep in the field behind our house became much louder. We looked out and saw a row of trucks and an assembly of workers. They were removing a portion of the fence along Gold Nugget Circle. Something unusual was happening in our quiet neighborhood.
We went out and talked to the leader. It was sheep shearing day, and they would construct a corral, chute system and small building for the task. Their fleece was too long and today was hair cut day. The barbers were assembling. Herding dogs and handlers were rounding up the 375 sheep in the open area behind our house.
I immediately notified our Photography Club and Charlie Schuman arrived within a short time. We took hundreds of pictures. Dorothe Kress took lots of videos.
We made a movie. For more about this, click HERE
Know of a great location you would like to share? We look forward to your contributions. To share a location with others, click the link at the top of the Locations page. To go to our Locations page click HERE
The BLOG is Here!!! Check it Out.
The Blog has been up for a couple of months now and and there are currently seven posts. The topics include dealing with lens distortion and perspective issues, why you should use back button auto focus, good deals available on the internet, and one on Raw Therapee a free and very capable photo editor that will take your photos from blah to great in less than a minute. So if you haven't checked them out yet there is no time like the present to click on the link below.
It's been about a month since the last Blog and my excuse is I was on a two week trip to the Pacific Northwest which will be the subject of an upcoming Blog post. Plus I'm working on a couple of others so they should be coming more frequently.
We want to hear from You!
One of the nice things about the Blog is you have the ability to comment on blog posts and respond to someone else's comments. You can even put a photo in your comment. So far no one has commented on any of the posts. We were hoping members would get involved and express there opinions. In fact we encourage you to do so.
If you have any experience with, or opinions about, any of the information presented in the blog posts please share your thoughts with your fellow Club members. Post a comment. I would prefer the Blog be a conversation and not a lecture.
Have a post idea... Let us know.
One final reminder. Any member can make a Blog post. Just write it up and send it to me. You can even remain anonymous however you do have to tell me who you are but I won't use your name as the author.
To navigate to the new blog look for the BLOG link at the end of the main menu, or click HERE
We hope you will enjoy this feature and participate by commenting on blog posts, responding to the comments of others, and asking questions.
Gary Stephens is our Blogger!!
If you would like to reach Gary directly you can email him at:
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